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Banca Transilvania SA

Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, str. Calea Dorobantilor, nr. 30-36, Romania


Tel: + 40 264 407 150

Fax: + 40 264 407 179

Descarcă BT Pay

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT Pay

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT Pay

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă NeoBT

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă NeoBT

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă NeoBT

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT24

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT24

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.


TLV Shares

What is the ticker symbol for Banca Transilvania common stock and what stock exchanges does it trade on?

Banca Transilvania shares trade on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) under the symbol “TLV”.

Where can I find stock price information for Banca Transilvania TLV stock?

For real time information about TLV and also for historical figures, you may access Banca Transilvania dedicated page on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, available here.

Who do I contact if I need assistance with my Banca Transilvania shares?

Our Investor Relations team ensures that our investors receive reliable financial data and responds to all their questions. If you need assistance, you can send your request to


Where can I find out info about historical dividend payments?

You can find in Shares section information about how the dividend history and dividend yield have changed over the years.

When will Banca Transilvania distribute the dividends?

BT General Shareholders’ Meeting was held on April 25, 2024. As per the resolutions passed, the registration date is June 12, 2024 and the ex-dividend date is June 11, 2024, for the identification of the shareholders who will benefit from the results of the Ordinary GMS and to whom the effects of the Ordinary GMS Decisions are applicable, including the right to receive dividends from the 2023 year profit and the payment date is 26 June 2024 (dividends for year 2023 shall be paid starting June 26, 2024 until June 26, 2027- the last day when the payment of these dividends can be requested).

Read more about dividends, here.


Has Banca Transilvania issued bonds in international market?

The debut in international financial markets took place in April 2023, when BT sold EUR 500 million worth of bonds in an issue that was oversubscribed in just a few hours, with investors placing orders for more than EUR 850 million. The success of the issue echoed another two re-taps amounting to EUR 290 million.

In November 2023, Banca Transilvania issued the second bond, in a sustainable format, Both bonds are listed on Euronext Dublin with the following ISINs:

  • XS2616733981 
  • XS2724401588 

More details of the EMTN-programme, the final terms of the issued bonds and related documentation are provided in this section on our website.

Are there any other bonds issued by Banca Transilvania or its subsidiaries?

Until 2023, Banca Transilvania and its subsidiaries issued bonds on the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

More details about these issuances and related base prospectus and final terms can be found on the stock exchange dedicated page:

  • TLV28E, with ISIN ROTLVADBC023, issue by Banca Transilvania 
  • TLV33E, with ISIN XS2641792465, issue by Banca Transilvania
  • BTL25E, with ISIN ROXNROBKQV28, issue by BT Leasing 
  • BTL24E, with ISIN ROGDVS5SSKL4, issue by BT Leasing

How can I obtain a Banca Transilvania shareholder certificate and/or account history?

If you need a BT’s shareholder certificate, or account history (this document is released only for the period of the last 5 years until the date of release), you can reach out to our Shareholders team for assistance by sending your request (standard written application template here) to

Our team can prepare the document for you and help you with any questions or other requests related to the process. Please feel free to reach out to them via any of the choices provided here that is suitable for you.

When is Banca Transilvania Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held?

BT Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is organized typically in Q2.

Please visit this dedicated section to find out if the date of the next event has been officially announced and to view notices and information about past GMSs.

Does Banca Transilvania have a corporate governance system in place?

Indeed. We have a corporate governance system that ensures that the bank's interests match those of all our stakeholders. BT governance framework follows the principles of transparency, accountability, fairness and responsibility.

To learn more about our corporate governance framework in detail, please access the specific platform here.

Who are the BoD members and the C-level executives of Banca Transilvania?

Our team structure reflects our vision, values, and strategy and it has the Board of Directors and Leaders Committee members as core components.

Here you can find their names, positions and biographies.


Who are the equity analysts that cover Banca Transilvania?

You may view a list of the equity analysts that cover Banca Transilvania here.

Who is Banca Transilvania independent auditor?

Deloitte Audit S.R.L. The Mark Tower, 82-98 Calea Griviței, Sector 1, 010735 Bucharest, Romania

How can I get information about Banca Transilvania upcoming events and financial calendar?

We value transparency and clarity in our communication, so we maintain a separate page for the Financial Calendar. You can find all the previous and upcoming events here.

More information about the Roadshows where our Investor Relations team has been or will be involved is available here.

Where can I get financial information on Banca Transilvania?

  • Financial results are available here.
  • Earnings call are available here.
  • Board of Directors Report is available here.

What are Banca Transilvania credit ratings?

As our goal is to build our trust with stakeholders, investors, customers, employees, communities, and regulators we have succeeded to be ranked positively by the most reputable scoring agencies. 

  • Fitch: BB+ 
  • Moody’s: Investment Grade 

More information about our credit ratings are available here.


What is Banca Transilvania approach towards Sustainability?

Our commitment is based on responsible growth, which means that we value non-financial performance just as much as financial. As a responsible corporate citizen, we are committed to support the development and transformation of Romania's economy by encouraging entrepreneurial projects.

To learn more about how we approach Sustainability, please visit the platform dedicated to ESG and the latest Sustainability Report.

What are the ESG-related ratings of Banca Transilvania?

Our sustainability progress is subject to review and assessment from most reputable agencies in the field. 

  • Sustainalytics: 13.3 – Low ESG Risk Rating 
  • FTSE Russell: 3.5/5 
  • Refinitiv: 78/100 (A-) 

You can find a more detailed overview of our ratings and recognitions here. We will continue to update the ESG-related ratings received in this section.

Has Banca Transilvania implemented a Sustainable Finance Framework?

In line with its broader sustainability strategy, the BT Group has established a Sustainable Finance Framework to enable it to issue sustainable financial instruments to sustain projects that enable a positive environmental and social impact.

The green and social categories of projects are detailed in the BT’s Sustainable Finance Framework, that was subject to a second-party opinion provided by Sustainalytics.

In November 2023, Banca Transilvania announced the first sustainable bond issue.